Yaroslav Bogdanov: The world is ripe for a Global Digital Alliance

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Yaroslav Bogdanov: The world is ripe for a Global Digital Alliance

July 23, 2024 - 05:51

In recent decades, the world has been undergoing a renewal caused by rapid digitalization. This process covers all spheres of life: from the economy and education to healthcare and everyday life. We are on the threshold of a new era, where digital technologies are becoming the basis for the further development of humanity.

The American consulting company McKinsey & Company has presented its forecast of the leading technological trends. All of them are in one way or another connected with digitalization, and the creation of a digital future is an item on its own.

Humanity's entry into the digital future should be accompanied by the creation of a new global digital alliance. Yaroslav Bogdanov, founder of GDA Group, is convinced of this.

“Digitalization fundamentally changes the way people, organizations and states interact. It is irrational to enter the future burdened by old agreements that do not work. What is needed are new agreements, new principles and forms of cooperation that are relevant here and now, and can provide balance for humanity in the new digital world. An example of such cooperation is the Global Digital Alliance, which we created,” said Yaroslav Bogdanov.

According to Bogdanov, it is not currently possible to solve the issues of sustainable development of the digital industry at the level of states. Bound by bureaucratic frameworks and immersed in political squabbles, national governments are unable to agree on a new system of coordinates for a common future.

“This is why a single global digital alliance must emerge, and we call on all leading cyber visionaries to participate in it. It is up to those with necessary competencies to decide what kind of digital future humanity is moving towards,” believes the founder of GDA Group.

Innovations in artificial intelligence, big data and the Internet of Things promise to revolutionize various industries. We are witnessing the emergence of smart cities, where technology is helping to improve quality of life, ensure safety and manage resources more efficiently. However, with opportunities come challenges.

“The issues of cybersecurity, privacy and the digital divide, where entire regions of the world do not yet have access to the internet at all, are becoming increasingly urgent. There is a need to develop ethical standards and legislative initiatives that will ensure responsible use of technology and protect the rights of citizens. All these issues need to be addressed by working together in a digital union free of political bias. Global digitalization is not just a trend, but a necessity for humanity to survive and thrive in today's world. It is important that we all, from governments to individuals, actively participate in shaping a new digital future, striving to make it fairer and more sustainable for all,” concluded Yaroslav Bogdanov.